Located on the south end of the Millennium Bridge is Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, a reconstruction of the theatre that mounted many of Shakespeare’s original plays. The design is as historically accurate to the original Globe Theatre as possible, with some upgrades in safety regulations. Builders used the same types of materials that would have been available in the early 1600’s when the original was built, and even used many of the same techniques & tools that would have been used in construction. Shakespeare's Globe is an open air amphitheater, which means show’s primarily run spring through fall, but tours are offered year round. The Globe also offers classes & seminars for up & coming thespians, along with a small museum dedicated to Shakespeare and his works. The museum is a self-guided tour with an accompanying audioguide, and has representations of sets, costumes, & even musical instruments that would have been used in Shakespeare’s day. And mine friends, I assuredly sayeth to thee, tis a consummation devoutly to be wished, to exit through the gift shop. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to TylerTravelsTV for more great travel videos!